3 Ways To Act Toward Someone With Dissociative Identity Disorder

There is no medication to treat DID as there are for other mental disorders. Treatment generally involves supportive care and psychotherapy. The condition usually persists without treatment.

Though their separate identities are defense mechanisms meant to protect themselves from perceived emotional or physical threats, they can make it difficult to navigate relationships. Shame and stigma often lead people with mental disorders to feel very isolated. Help the person maintain a healthy relationship by actively engaging with them. In fact, it may be better to spend time together not discussing the disorder.

Be Available for Your Spouse During Treatment

There are a couple of us SO’s who frequent this forum. So if you have specific questions, feel free to ask us. Dr. Noel Hunter is a Clinical Psychologist based in New York City. Hollywood has sensationalized DID and created fear by suggesting alters are demons or beasts or serial killers. In reality, people who have DID are likely traumatized victims of childhood abuse. They are perhaps the most vulnerable and shattered of our society.

All four of the alters claim to love me and are okay with me dating all of them, though all of them, including myself, claim to be monogamous. I fear I may be doing them a disservice calling myself that, as one of the alters has explained to me that I’m dating four different people which of course I know but is difficult to wrap my head around. That is not the issue however, the issue comes in my anxiety. I don’t know if I could have a life with them if they for any reason develop an alter that either doesn’t see me romantically, sees someone else romantically as well, or hates me outright.

Hey AI this site has been a Godsend to me as a spouse. I recommend joining the forum as well both you and your wife. That said, reading your post sounds and feels so familiar. My husband has alters who also do incredibly hurtful things including sending himself pictures from my phone photos and facebook of my 20 yr old daughter for fantasy fodder- an activity that horrifies my husband when confronted with it.


MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. A person will subconsciously create other personalities to handle certain aspects of themselves and their traumas, without which they cannot cope. Treatment plans manage any conditions that occur alongside DID, and they can combine psychotherapy, with any necessary drugs to help with symptoms.

Myth: DID is not a real disorder

Dissociative fugue — a type of dissociative amnesia — is an often misunderstood state. Learn about its symptoms, and read examples, here. I can do it myself, other parts can enjoy it as well, it’s entertaining, and it takes up a good chunk of time out of the day,” she says. Matulewitz also adds that a lot of her depression and dissociation triggers are date-related, so she tries to plan ahead. I’d like to stress that, despite what the movies may suggest, we are not dangerous.

His alters have been silent for the last few months but the one I had kids with is now dormant. So this alter that has been in love with me hasn’t shown face for 7 years and keeps pushing that on me like it’s my https://onlinedatingcritic.com/ fault. Everything to him is new and I’ve changed over the last 7 years. It’s starting to really break me apart and I’m at loss as to what to do. He hasn’t told anyone else besides his therapist about his DID.

Dissociative identity disorder

In a 1986 book chapter , philosopher of science Ian Hacking focused on multiple personality disorder as an example of «making up people» through the untoward effects on individuals of the «dynamic nominalism» in medicine and psychiatry. Hacking argued that the process of «making up people» is historically contingent, hence it is not surprising to find the rise, fall, and resurrection of such categories over time. Hacking revisited his concept of «making up people» in a 2006. More cases of dissociative identity disorder were diagnosed in the following years.

We certainly know the struggle and the chaos DID brings to everyone’s lives. And we are so very thankful for our partners and friends who offer us such wonderful support, understanding and love. A HUGE shout out to you EJ for jumping in here to help your husband.

I will share this information with my husband too. I think he will feel cared for and supported as well. My co-consciousness has grown as I continue therapy, but the deepest, scariest, most scared, and most difficult parts are not fully co-conscious. I guess this is where a clear understanding of DID and the process of healing is really helpful for both me and my husband. If I am not co-conscious, I need outside help. If he is the only one present, it needs to be him.